Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Work plan-Time plan

Week 1. get the brief and use to decide ideas to use for the preliminary task
Week 2. use a questionnaire to ask people opinions in school on my basic ideas and research into music magazines to analyze performa
Week 3. create a draft form of the school magazine that I have designed
Week 4. collect music magazines and use them to any themes that are universal for them all
Week 5. collect the questionnaire and utilize the useful feedback
Week 6. finish the school magazine that I have designed
Week 7. draw and design contents front cover and double page spread page
Week 8. all of the photos need to be taken from the chosen location with the chosen models
Week 9. design the contents page for the music magazine with generic conventions
week 10. design the contents page with generic conventions
week 11. design double age spread with generic conventions
week 12. refine work
week 13. start evaluation
week 14. final deadline feb half term